Planned Giving Basics – PG101
Friday, May 17, 2024
8AM – 12:00PM
Kauffman Foundation & Conference Center
Limited Capacity – Register Today
About PG101 | Speakers | Topic Descriptions | Schedule | Register
Full participation in PG101 is applicable for 4.0 points in Category 1.B -Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.
Gift Planning is “Trending” Again! Why It’s So Important for YOU to Focus on it NOW! – Presenter: Phil Watson
Description: Join us for a quick (and fun) update on a “baker’s dozen” critical trends in Gift Planning for 2024 and beyond. Learn why paying close attention to these economic, tax, financial, and demographic trends at your development shop will help you generate larger, more substantial financial support, both now and in the future. To “maximize” the benefits (and lower the costs) of gifts for both donors and their organizations, it may require a quick look “back to the future” to seek out those major “trends” in Gift Planning that will create success today.
Estate planning – Understanding the Basics – Presenter: Brandon Oldham
Description: What’s an executor, an administrator, a personal representative, guardian, conservator, estate and gift tax exemption amount? It’s important for any gift planner to be familiar with the basics of estate planning. Having a basic knowledge of these terms, wills and trusts will be extremely valuable as you work with potential donors, allowing you to better understand the important aspects of a donor’s estate plan that may affect a charitable gift.
Planned Gifts to Get Started and Those Other Gifts, too. Presenter: Andy Morrison
Description: This presentation will focus not only on various types of basic planned gifts that are easy to accomplish, like will bequests, life insurance and retirement plan/IRA beneficiary designations, but it will also provide information about some more complex gifts that may involve tax consequences of which all development officers should be aware. These gifts may include appreciated investment assets and real estate. This presentation will help you understand that there are many types of planned gifts. Merely identifying potential planned gifts for your potential donors can advance your development efforts.
Leaving a Legacy through Multi-Generational Wealth Transfer & Philanthropy – Presenters: Marguerite Armitage & Scott McGehee
Description: Working with philanthropic donors on how to leave a legacy that can span multiple generations. How to set up a team of advisors, what types of assets can be gifted, and what vehicles to consider accomplishing those goals.
“I’m in a Small Shop – How do I Introduce Gift Planning?” – Presenter: Krista Hurd
Description: How do I use gift planning to increase future revenue for my organization while also focusing on cash in the door now? Are you potentially overlooking support for your organization because of a lack of familiarity with gift planning? Join this session to discover how to introduce the concept of gift planning to potential donors and initiate the process of securing your organization’s future through strategic blended giving.
Authentic Engagement in Gift Planning – Panel: Moderated by Shelly Doucet
Description: The decision to make a planned gift is a significant one that involves thought, planning, and a deep commitment to the mission, people, and work of the recipient organization. How can we create authentic relationships with our constituents to help them grow into joyful planned giving donors?
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